Caregivers are often the unseen and overlooked part of special needs...
Episode 125: Things to Consider Before Filing For Divorce With A Special Needs Child with Mark Worthington (Reprise)
New child support guidelines recently became effective in Massachusetts...
Episode 124: Letters To Jacob: Grieving The Loss Of A Child with Maria Hopfgarten
This week is Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week, which is a cause very...
Episode 123: Shining a Light on Severe Autism with Amy S.F. Lutz
This week features a very special back to back, two podcast episode...
Episode 122: Move Together In Unity with Kerry Magro
This week features a very special back to back, two podcast episode...
Episode 121: Guardianship Q&A with Annette Hines
The Britney Spears guardianship case has brought the topic of...
Episode 120: A Neurodiverse Journey with Erich Shafer
As a child, Erich Shafer did not understand what he was and how he was...
Episode 119: Disability and The Criminal Justice System with Attorney Jason Chan
Being stopped by or questioned by the police can be stressful for anyone...
Episode 118: The PATH Process with Teri Steinberg
Planning a future can be challenging. Most people plan their future one...
Episode 117: Grief, Loss & Disability with Christa Couture
In this episode, Annette speaks with Christa Couture, an award-winning...
Episode 116: Gender Identity with El Martinez and Ivylee Martinez
June celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride month each year to honor the 1969 Stonewall...
Episode 115: Finding Resilience with Dr. Marcia Nathai-Balkissoon
Resilience is the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult...