Dig Deep: Finding Hope in Special Needs Parenting with Kelly Speck

by | July 14, 2022 | Podcasts

A severely traumatic or unusual birth experience, weeks spent in the NICU, and harsh lectures from a neurologist about your child's chances of survival or living a good life are common starting points of the parenting journey that unites many special needs families. Host Annette Hines notes how her guest, Kelly Speck, author of the new book, Hope in the Heartache: The Journey of Grace and Growth with a Special Needs Child, shares many commonalities with Hines' narrative raising her daughter, Elizabeth. Motivation to tackle adversity and live your best life is at the heart of Speck's story of the birth of her son, Bennett who is a quadriplegic, now 15-years-old, and the story of her family with her husband, Travis, and Bennett's brother Jackson and sister Reagan. You can learn more about Speck's story and family on her website: https://hopeintheheartache.com.

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