Episode 114: Overcoming Distractions – Thriving with Adult ADHD with Dave Greenwood

by | June 16, 2021 | Podcasts

Adult ADHD or Attention -Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder where a person has difficulty concentrating, is hyperactive or restless and displays impulsive behaviors.   This previously recorded podcast is one of our favorites and offers some effective ways to manage Adult ADHD.

In this episode, Annette has a conversation with David Greenwood, author of the book, Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with Adult ADHD. The book profiles many entrepreneurs around the country who have ADHD and have created successful businesses.

Annette and Dave talk about how in some cases, a parent of a child can get frustrated and even lose hope when they have to work around or deal with challenging behaviors. And by reading the book that Dave wrote, they can begin to understand that there can be a successful person under all those ADHD challenges.

Annette and Dave also take time out to chat about some of the funnier aspects of having adult ADHD such as forgetfulness and being time blind. While these can get in the way of running a successful business, sometimes we just have to have a little laugh at our own expense.

Annette and Dave talk about some of the more effective ways in which successful adults with ADHD manage and thrive such as regular exercise, proper sleep, nutrition, and the topic of meditation. They chat about managing your time and your environment and best practices about managing procrastination and productivity.

And they chat about the positive aspects of having ADHD such as creativity, risk-taking, energy and having an entrepreneurial mindset.

Learn more about Dave Greenwood, his book and the popular podcast by the same name at: Overcoming Distractions 

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