The third in a series featuring unique and innovative solutions for the disability community, this episode features the Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Sponsors of the Future (SoF), Suzy Im. The goals of SoF are to design easier ways for parents and caregivers to access information and advocate for their loved ones, as well as connect neurodivergent kids with global organizations to empower them and ensure that we consider a person's whole being. Host Annette Hines notes that SoF's concept of connectivity, an ecosystem that supports the neurodivergent community through education, advocacy, and inclusion, is like grassroots organizing by networking and navigating complexities together. They also discussed finding hidden gems of local support and necessary corporate responsibility of organizations in industries like healthcare and pharmaceuticals to create solutions in partnership with the people they serve. You can learn more about or donate to SoF's mission on their website:
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