Helping Your Child Be Successful In School with Jessika Shields

by | April 14, 2022 | Podcasts

How do you help your child be successful in school? Annette Hines, host of Parenting Impossible – The Special Needs Survival Podcast talks with Jessika Shields, licensed educational psychologist, former teacher, parent of four, owner of a parent mentoring company Stronger Minds, Stronger Youth, and host of Parent Them Successful podcast, about how to utilize your schools best resource, the school psychologist. Inside schools, the educational psychologist plays many roles to support students including educational assessments, one-to-one and group therapy as well as crisis management. Outside of the school, an educational psychologist can provide a clinical diagnosis, offer a neutral voice in an educational assessment, and coach parents on advocating for their child’s needs in school. Listen in on the top three tips Jessika Shields shares with Annette Hines about what parents should do to get the most benefits for their children in working with their in-school psychologist. This episode is full of great information for parents! Please tune in! We would love to hear what you think about our episode. Please leave a comment!


Jessika Shields is an educator and licensed educational psychologist with nearly 20 years of experience in education. Her extensive career has been built upon these two principles – educating and helping others achieve more. As a wife and mother of four, she knows all too well the challenges that come with trying to do what is in the best interest of your child while trying to navigate the roadblocks that sometimes get in the way of their success, and this is why she founded Stronger Minds, Stronger Youth , a go-to resource for parent mentoring and parent education. Jessika has a passion for helping you break down barriers that may be holding your child back from succeeding academically, socially, and emotionally. Even several Southern California school districts have contracted with Jessika to bring her expert advice to their parent populations, but her favorite type of work is the direct work she does with individuals like you!


In addition, she is the host of the  Parent Them Successful podcast where she continues to share a wealth of knowledge to help parents gain a sense of control over their children’s education, growth, and development.

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